COLLECTION ONLY - Search for collection only, local, items...

1. Select the distance from your postcode and the maximum price for the item

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For best results

Category button colour (key) - Good Results Some Results Poor Results

Remember to enter your Postcode and select the distance BEFORE clicking the category buttons below.

Items may not be cheaper from local sellers, so do a general search to check there isn't a better deal.

There should be less competition on "collection only" especially with heavy items.

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Click the "Show More" button to open more helpful tips and information on items to consider.

Additional Tips

Occasionally the search throws up items that are not collection only, but are local. This is usually because they have "collection" in their description. Just ignore these.

There are several additional options you can use to refine the results to find the deal you are looking for.

Google - A Google search for a specific item could also give an insight into the value, availability and highlight any problems or things to look out for.

Gumtree - Check other website such as Gumtree to check the prices of items.

Refine the Results - If there are too many results, on the lefthand side of the page in grey, there are even more options together with the number of items in that selection in brackets().

Timing - Often items are set to end at a number of days after submission and this can be at any time during the day. Watch out for the items that are ending either in the early hours or during the working day. There are fewer people able to surf during the day and the items can often be had for far less than those ending in the evening when the competition is higher.

Check the previous ebay sales for the item - There's a quick way to check an eBay product's market value by looking at those already sold. Open ebay in a new page and fill in the search box and tick 'completed items' on the left-hand grey bar. It'll come up with a list of prices for similar auctions that have ended. Then sort by "price: lowest first". If the price is red, it means no one bought it. Green means it sold.

If you have any tips for other ebay users, please email them to us at so we can include any helpful ideas.

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2. Click on a category or the everything button. If you are looking for something specific enter it in the search box. The ebay page with the results will open in a new tab.

Categories with Good results



Categories with Some results



Categories with Poor results




The links on 99pbids are a portal to the official ebay page which opens in a new tab with the search results selected.